Molecular Targets

Aging affects many different aspects of basic biology, such as increasing DNA damage, promoting inflammation, and decreasing cell regeneration. Understanding these processes creates new approaches to prevent and treat the many conditions influenced by aging. Georgetown University has important research programs relating to these topics, such as stem cells, fibrosis, and renal disease, as well as cancer and neuroscience (see adjacent website tabs).

Division Director

Ken Kellar

Nicotine treatment for cognitive impairment in AD. The Kellar lab examine the pharmacology and regulation of nicotinic cholinergic receptors and the neurotransmission pathways stimulating the release of norepinephrine, dopamine and acetylcholine. Kellar Lab

Participating Faculty

Marta Catalfamo

Chronic immune activation and systemic inflammation in people with HIV. The Catalfamo lab focuses on T cells, particularly molecular pathways coupling immune activation, inflammation/coagulation, and cardiovascular risk. We are developing of cytokine-based strategies alone and in combination with check-point inhibitors. Catalfamo Lab

Amrita Cheema

Cancer and aging. The Cheema lab use the power of metabolomics and an interest in extracellular vesicles to explore a variety of disease states including cancer, Alzheimer’s, infectious disease, alcoholic liver disease, inflammatory conditions including inflammatory bowel diseases, radiation injury, diabetes, transplantation medicine. Cheema Lab

Nady Golestaneh

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The Golestaneh lab are defining the underlying mechanism of AMD using adult stem cells, establishing new animal models of AMD for drug development, testing novel drugs in vivo, and investigating how aging can induce retinal degeneration. Golestaneh Lab

Jan LaRocque

DNA double-strand break repair and aging. Dr. LaRocque research focuses on how the cell repairs DNA double-strand breaks. Failure to repair breaks efficiently can lead to apoptosis, tumorigenesis, and premature aging. We use genetics and molecular biology to model the DNA damage response and human disease in Drosophila melanogaster. LaRocque website

Moshe Levi

Molecular processes of liver and renal disease. The Levi lab examine the roles of the nuclear receptor FXR, G protein coupled receptors, and mitochondrial sirtuins in kidney disease in diet induced obesity, diabetes, and aging. Levi Lab

Kathryn Sandberg

Sex Differences in health, aging and disease. The Sandberg lab identify mechanisms underlying the pathological consequences of blood pressure dysregulation in hypertension, renal disease, anorexia nervosa, aging and in cognitive impairment and dementia. Sandberg Lab

Justin Suzuki

Redox cellular signaling. The Suzuki lab investigate signal transduction mechanisms for cardiac and smooth muscle cell regulation in order to develop therapeutic strategies against various heart and lung diseases. Suzuki Lab

Center for Cell Reprogramming

Pursuit and promotion of basic and translational research on in vitro and in vivo cell reprogramming. Research topics include the analysis of stem-like and progenitor cell from normal and disease tissues as well as the canonical and non-canonical roles of telomerase in senescence and growth regulation. Center for Cell Reprogramming website